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Los Willows


Phone (760) 731-9400
Address 530 Stewart Canyon Rd,
Fallbrook, CA 92028 United States


Los Willows Wedding Estate is a sophisticated garden-style San Diego venue that surrounds you with lush greenery, rolling foothills, and glistening waters. Say your vows at your choice of two naturally-stunning ceremony sites: in the meadow under towering oak trees or on the lakeside lawn with the natural lake as your backdrop. For cocktail hour, your guests can sip cocktails by the outdoor fireplace, play lawn games, or relax in the lounge seating by the tranquil fountain on the lake. Dinner is served in the newly-renovated pavilion featuring luxurious draping, a crystal chandelier, and contemporary finishes. At Los Willows, every event is naturally stunning, so you can enjoy a guaranteed gorgeous event!

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