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Casablanca Bridal and Formal

1 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (808) 941-4696
Address 2058 S. Beretania St.,
Honolulu, HI 96826 United States


Bridal & Formal wear

Reviews for Casablanca Bridal and Formal

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Casablanca Bridal and Formal

    'awful' doesn't do justice.

    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Casablanca gave me the most horrible experience of any wedding-planning task or shopping trip alike. It was my first dress-shopping experience. I came in 5-10 minutes early for my appointment, opened the door, and no one was around. I looked upstairs and saw a woman standing near the balcony on her computer. ...Hello? I said, unsure if she even worked there. She looked down at my bridesmaids and me, silent. I told her I had an appointment, and she walked away while saying k, come upstairs.

    I think the consultant's name was Tatiana, or something like that. Fair warning.
    When asked what kind of dress I was looking for, I showed her 4 or 5 pictures of dresses that were extremely similar in style, and proceeded to tell her things that I love in a dress and things that I hate. I almost felt guilty in answering her question, as she looked incredibly bored with every word that came out of my mouth. Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure that making a bride feel guilty in her excitement and just being a total BUZZKILL in general is probably NOT going to win you employee of the month.

    She then proceeded to bring me a stack of dresses that basically embodied the epitome of everything I expressed disgust for in a dress. She literally took everything I said I hate, found all of those aspects in a few dresses, and then she brought them to me.

    Along with my dress specifications, I told her my budget. After trying on 15-20 of the ugliest (in my opinion) dresses she could find for me, she brought me a dress--FINALLY!--that I really liked. I was so excited I started thanking her and telling her how it was exactly the style I was going for. Before I got it into the dressing room, she informed me very casually that it's just a little bit out of my price range. I asked her how much it was, and her answer was TWICE my budget!!! When I handed it back to her, she seemed confused and asked why I didn't even want to try it on. I told her that it was not a little out of my budget, but DOUBLE it. If I tried it on and loved it, then what???

    Last complaint, I swear.....
    My mom was running a little late. She showed up 5 minutes after my appointment began to find the door 1pm on a the middle of business hours.....locked. She knocked on the door, confused, and an older woman cracked the door just enough to stick her
    face through and sarcastically, snootily say to my poor mother, um, can i help you? My mom snapped back that she needed to see her daughter try on wedding dresses and was reluctantly allowed on the premises.

    TALK ABOUT HOSPITALITY.......NOTTTT!!! DO NOT GO HERE. THESE PEOPLE DON'T WANT YOUR BUSINESS, THEY HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO..........thanks for a horrible day, Casablanca. Consider the news spread.”

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